5 minute mindfulness activity


What a week. One of the most stressful of being a teacher. New classes with a small business group, formal observation, trying a dogme lesson, my birthday I couldn’t even celebrate because of work, a conversation club on Friday evening.

I also managed to book a flight back to Cyprus for July, but whether it will materialise it’s anyone’s guess.

To cope with all the stress I’m trying to focus a day at a time and try and enjoy the present as much as possible (sometimes it’s not that possible).

So I thought for my weekly post and video to put this little activity I wrote about a while ago into a little video.

The rest of the details is on the video. Skip to 3:04 for the activity if you wan’t to go straight in.


The Lockdown Diaries- The Last One

Well here we are. Most of the lockdown measures have now been lifted in Italy and it makes this the last video in the lockdown series.

It starts with a song, it includes tears and decisions, the whole lot.

It hasn’t been an easy decision, but I decided not to stay in Italy after my contract. It’s been an incredible experience but way too stressful and exhausting, mentally and physically.

I’m not quitting teaching, I will give it a go again at some point but I need time to figure out what I want to do next.

I’ll finally take the break I meant to have last year but got too scared. I’m terrified but also excited!

PS- I will still try and post a video every week 🙂

PS two- I don’t own the copyrights of the gorgeous Kodaline song I attempted to sing.


Finally out- the Lockdown Diaries

What at week.

I’m not sure if anyone other than fellow teachers would understand just how exhausted I feel today, on a Sunday after a week of 6 new courses (on top of my existing ones), using a platform that doesn’t allow pairwork or groupwork, 6 hours of pure pain, mainly just talking for the majority of the time, soul-destroying, plus invigilating and marking and lesson planning and anything else that comes up on a normal week.

But at least we are now allowed outside and I managed to go for a walk by the beach on Friday, which was awesome.

So this week’s video is mostly footage of the outside world that I almost forgot it existed! I can’t wait to go home, enjoy my summer and seriously consider if teaching is for me. 40 days to go.



Last week of full lockdown- the Lockdown Diaries

After 8 long weeks, Italy is finally entering phase 2 of the lockdown, gradually relaxing its strict measures, so from today we are allowed outside for a walk, individual sports or exercise.

The irony is that from today, I’ve got so much work I won’t have a lot of free time to enjoy being outside, but at least the end is near and I can’t wait until all this is finally over.

So here’s this week’s vlog, much happier and more positive than last week.

And here’s the Protaras video I mentioned:



Ups and Downs, Downs, Downs- week 7, the Lockdown Diaries

Inevitably, 7 weeks under lockdown took its toll on me, I found the last few days pretty hard.

I haven’t been that productive, I felt low, sad and stressed. But that’s life. I learned to accept and go through the lows and I feel much better now.

The only reason I’m posting this, getting paranoid about getting ill, feeling low, anxious and sad is to encourage others to do share as well, mental health is as important if not more important than physical health, so there you go. This is one of my lowest moments of the last 7 weeks. 

PS. The gorgeous song I tried but failed to sing well is Lost by The Wind and The Wave

Easter in lockdown- the lockdown series

This week’s vlog was a bit late due to our little Easter break, so here’s how I spent it. Not in Vienna or Budapest or Bratislava as I originally planned but it wasn’t as bad as I thought I’d be I guess.

Catch ups with friends, lots of chocolate, pancakes, Netflix, reading, blogging, so all in all it wasn’t too bad.

Hope you enjoy it! 



The Routine- the lockdown diaries

One of the things that help me with coping under lockdown is having a routine, a rough schedule for the day, as I mentioned on my last post and video, so life feels a bit normal and also to make it easier to adjust when back in ‘normal’ life however that might be.

Now, I’m not the biggest fan of routines and I don’t always stick to it, but it helps a lot when under lockdown, when there’s no clear structure and I can waste a whole day doing nothing if I let my overthinking brain take over. So here it goes, hope you enjoy it, and please share your thoughts and what you are doing to keep you going every day!



How I cope in lockdown- the lockdown diaries

For those of you who know me or have been reading my blog for a while, you probably know I struggle with anxiety (severe at times) and bouts of depression, so when hell broke loose a few weeks ago, I was extremely stressed to the point I couldn’t think clearly.

Luckily over the years I’ve developed a bit of resilience and a set of coping mechanisms to help me manage my anxiety and quickly get back in control when my stress levels reach dangerous highs.

So, after the initial shock and panic my survival instincts kicked in and I thought I’d put together a video with what’s been helping me stay sane under lockdown (can’t believe it’s been three weeks already!).

These are the the 10 activities I do most frequently to help me and a few links of books, Ted talks, TV programs etc I mention in the video (more details on each in the video):

  1. Exercise. I’ve been doing my daily yoga with my favourite gal (https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene/playlists), she posts a monthly playlist with videos for each day. I need more exercise though since I’ve been sitting a lot, so any recommendations please comment below!
  2. Music. I somehow stopped listening as much, I don’t really know why, but now I listen and sing every day. Music, food, remedy for the soul, I keep reminding myself that. Thank God for music. In the video I hum a song by my favourite Cypriot musician Mr Costas Kakoyiannis (Αν κοντα σου μεγαλωσω- If I grow up with you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2x3CqSIaJ8) and I try to play and sing I’ll be your mirror, the Velvet Underground cover, on my guitar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMeZCPbM6bA)
  3. Going out. Of course we are not allowed and shouldn’t go out all the time but I try to go out once or twice a week, pop to the shop, just to feel I can be outside.
  4. Reading. I love reading, in the winter with a blanket and a cuppa, in the summer, at the beach, on a plane, on a train. Since I started my first EFL teaching job I had very little free time to read but I’m so happy now I have time. I recommend a couple of books in the video (e.g. Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis and the Guilty Feminist by Deborah Frances White, check out her podcast too, she is brilliant).
  5. Diet. It’s so difficult to stop snacking when living a sedentary life, but I stopped buying too many and/or too unhealthy snacks so I don’t end up binge-eating all day.
  6. Catching up with friends. Keeping in touch with friends and family is vital, we are social animals after all, we need human interaction but I sometimes find it too overwhelming with all the messages I get, so I have regular breaks so I can cope, plus it helps reduce screen time.
  7. Netflix. I’m a huge Netflix fan and there’s a great selection of TV series, films and documentaries to watch. I try not to watch too much, though tempting, as I spend too much time in front of a screen since I teach online, but thank God we have Netflix. I recently watched a documentary, my Beautiful Broken Brain, which was amazing). I’d love to start a new series though, so any suggestions, please do comment! PS I of course still watch friends every day.
  8. Routine. Being at home all day, it’s easy for someone with a hyperactive brain like me to lose concentration, get lost into my own thoughts and waste time deciding when to do what, I find it too chaotic, so keeping up with a routine helps, a lot. I’ll make another video about this.
  9. Expressing your emotions. This is HUGE. Society taught us one of the unhealthiest narratives of all time, that expressing our emotions is a weakness. It’s the opposite actually, being vulnerable and open about how we feel it’s the bravest thing one can do, especially in these difficult times we live under right now. I highly recommend Bene Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability, definitely worth a watch: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en
  10. Playing an instrument. I’ve been playing the guitar on and off for years, but now I have time to learn how to read music properly and improve my playing. A great way to stay away from screens!

If you’ve been doing something that has been helping you, please share, it may help someone else, that’s the reason I’m doing it.

I’m also trying to put together a video with hopeful/funny/inspiring messages of friends, family and strangers to spread some joy and positivity, so if you like to be part of me, just email me a short 10-15 sec video with your message (elenizenonos@gmail.com). It can be in any language, just provide me with the transcript and I’ll translate and put subtitles in English 🙂

Hope you are all well and safe.



Thankmas Day Thirteen: Thank you music

How dull, meaningless, poor life would be without music? I genuinely think I’d die without it.

I always loved music, I always listen to music, on my way to work, at work, on my way home, at home, everywhere.

If it weren’t for music (and my guitar which I love) I wouldn’t have made this year.

It’s been my therapy, a safe space to laugh, cry, let me emotions unfold, get my frustrations out, remember and honour loved ones.

So thank you to every single person who makes music from the editor, guitarist, drummer, singer to Spotify and Soundcloud.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Blogmas Day 22- Christmas Magical Moments

One of the reasons I desperately wanted to make it home on Friday and not just any day before Christmas was Christmas Magical Moments, the charity event my little sister and a bunch of other students and University staff put together for Saturday, 22nd of December.

She’s been telling me all about it for months and I wanted to be there on the day to help as much as I could.

Thanks to the God/Universe or my good luck, whatever you want to name it, for once my flight left on time on Friday and although I’m still feeling rough I made it to the event.

We planned to wear matching outfits, and we did (sort of). We went there early and helped set up food and drinks such as 17kg of freshly baked pastries offered on a huge discount by the chain bakeries Zorbas and a Christmas wishing tree. By the time we got there, other societies had already set up their own beautiful stands, including art made of recyclable material as well as other societies and externals from handmade games to decorating cookies workshops.

Later in the evening there was live traditional, pop and rock music from talented musicians, members of University societies.

There was something for everyone.

I’m super proud of my little sister and her friends for organising such a huge event. Despite all the obstacles, last minute problems and lessons for next time, everyone who attended, enjoyed the evening.

So happy I was there for this.
